Zero2Automated - Custom Sample
David S January 29, 2024 Updated: January 29, 2024 #Reverse Engineering #Write-up #Malware #WindowsMy write-up for the first custom sample of the Zero2Automated Advanced Malware Analysis course.
I'm using Binary Ninja and radare2 for disassembling and debugging the sample.
Stage 1
Let's start by opening the main_bin.exe
sample in Binja and take a look at the entrypoint.
Well, only one subroutine to look at, let's call it init
After C runtime initialization, another sub occurs:
Seems like this calls functions from an array of pointers. let's rename the variables.
Let's see what pointers are called.
After some digging, it seems that these are also routines for the initialization of the runtime. Guess we have to look again at
A sub with no arguments? Quite suspicious.
That is definitly some interesting sub! Seems to be using API obfuscation. It loads libraries dynamically using
and then uses
for retrieving the address of a subroutine by its name. sub_401300
is called every time when a new string is used.
This seems to be the decryption routine. Let's take a look.
at 0x0401350 and _strchr
at 0x401392 is a big hint for some char-wise substitution.
We need to take a closer look at the inner logic of the do-while loop.
The do-while calculates the address the last char from the hardcoded "abcdef[...]" lookup table which is copied by the
into var_4c
Hence, ecx_1 = ecx_2 - &var_4c
is the length of the lookup table. The outer loop iterates over the string argument of the decryption routine
and stores the current character's position inside the lookup table into edx_2
. Now comes the interesting part: the if-else statement.
When the character's position plus 0xd is smaller than the lookup table's size, edx_4
is the sum. BUT if not, edx_4
is the character's
position MINUS the lookup table's size plus 0xd. This if-else statement is equal to new_pos = (char_pos + 0xd) % lut_size
What is 0xd in decimal? 13! Could the decryption routine be a simple rot13? Let's try it out with one of its arguments!
Bingo. Let's give this routine a meaningful name (rot13_dec
) and use BinaryNinja's power to find every call and decrypt the argument in-place.
After the string decryption, we can see what is going on in in the sub. After renaming the variables:
It is clear that this sub seems to be the main one which firstly loads a resource using
, allocates memory with a size which is given
in the header of the resource and then calls another sub with these as as arguments.
The called routine looks like this.
I don't bother longer with it and continue.
At the bottom of our current routine is another one.
This seems to be doing some process hollowing. Let's annotate it.
It gets its own filename by calling
and then spawns the executable with CreateProcessA
Then, it allocates memory (VirtualAllocEx
) in the context of the new process for storing the payload in it.
Seems like it does address relocation from 0x4011f3 to 0x401230, then overwrites a register in the thread context with the new entrypoint, sets the new context and then resumes the thread.
We now know how to get the payload and can jump to a VM and run the sample. Let's set a breakpoint at the sub which spawns the thread, since it's only argument is the decrypted payload. We can then dump the payload.
hold the first argument, let's see if its a PE by printing it in hex....
As you can see, the first two bytes mark it as a PE, we can even see the DOS stub.
Let's dump the whole memory where the payload lays in.
That's it, we can now inspect the payload, let's jump to stage 2.
Stage 2
Let's look again at the entrypoint.
And jump the to the only function in this sub.
This does again C runtime initialization, hence let's directly jump to the sub
, which is called inside the initialization. It seems to be the main procedure.
At the beginning, the sub gets its own application path and then trims it to the basename. So the name of the executable. Let's annotate it.
Then, another sub is called with the basename and the length as arguments. The return value is compared with a hardcoded constant. This may be a value returned by an hash function. Let's inspect the sub.
Here, registers are XORed quite often with the constant
. A quick Google-Search reveals that this constant is a reversed representation of a generator polynomial for the CRC32 checksum calculation.
This sub calculates a CRC32 checksum (let's call it hash) for a given string!
Looking at the cross-references of the
sub, I came to the following sub, which is used many times in the binary.
This one seems to load a library by its name using
and a hardcoded array fo strings.
Let's take a look on the array.
These are all standard windows libraries.
The first argument of the sub is the offset inside the array, and so the library name. Then, it tries to find the function with the name for which the crc32 hash value is equal to the second argument of the sub.
I've annotate the sub and call it for now
Looking at the cross-references, the binary seems to use this sub every time, when it wants to use the Windows API. It seems like, this is the main API hashing method used here.
I've decided to grab all function names of the libraries used by
and calculate thier CRC32-checksums to create a lookup-table.
Then, I've used Binja's API to comment each call of get_fn_by_hash
with the the function name which matches the supplied hash.
= ==
After running the script:
One can see, that the second if-statement conists of some anti-analysis checks. BUT the sub
is called in both statement bodies:
Let's inspect this sub next:
Some function names could not be resolved, but
indicates that some payload/config fetching is going on here.
The memcpy at 0x401e40 is very interesting. Looking at the do-while loop below, the string is decrypted using simple nibble-wise rotation and XORing with 0xc5.
Taking a look at the cross-references to __builtin_memcpy
One can see, that there is another sub which has an encrypted string:
We can easly write a decryption routine for both of them:
Which outputs:
string: C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe
The content of the pastbin link is just another url to an large image:
I guess it contains a hidden payload. Let's now annotate the current sub.
The sub
at 0x401e76 seems to just to fetch the contents of an url:
Let's continue by inspecting the next sub at 0x401e7d (I named it
This sub seems to firstly create a directory named
in a temporary directory retrieved by GetTempPath
and then writes the image from the pastebin URL into this directory using the name
(found out during dynamic analysis).
We can jump to a VM and set at breakpoint at the
at 0x401503 and dump the string on stack.
The saved image looks like this.
Next, it seems like the payload extracted and decrypted from the image. I don't want to bother with this and jump directly to the end of the sub.
Let's take a look at
This seems to just initialize some global mem with function pointers of functions for creating processes, and manipulating their memory.
Looks like preparation for process hollowing.
Jumping to
, we can see that is uses the same xor-encryption as explained above. I've already annotated it.
Seems like this sub spawns svchost.exe
in suspended state (definetly process-hollowing) and then returns the handle to it. We now come to the last sub of fetch_and_run_payload2
That one does the actual process hollowing, it seems to parse the pe header of the payload, writes the payload into memory owned by the process and relocates addresses.
At the end, it resumes the process:
At this point, I am quite confident that we can set a breakpoint at the call of this sub and dump the payload, since it is decrypted before:
Additionally, we need to patch the conditional jump in the
since we don't know the correct basename for the hash:
First, lets set a breakpoint to the
of the if-statement which checks if the binary has the correct basename and overwrite it to jump to the fetch_and_run_payload
And then put a breakpoint at the call of
which does the process hollowing and gets the decrypted payload as an argument:
stores the pointer to the third argument, which is the pointer to the payload, let's inspect it.
Bingo again! This is the payload from the Image, let's dump it and continue to stage 3:
Stage 3 - Final Payload
Let's open the dumped stage 3 payload in Binary Ninja and take a look at the entrypoint.
One sub; jump to it.
It is C runtime initialization again, let's jump to the main.
Well, that was quite short! This seems to be the final payload and the end of the chain.